SEVENTEEN!! My # 7 child is seventeen! I share with you two sweet experiences that give you an insight of who Holly Elizabeth Rust is today.
When Holly was four years old we were living in a trailer up on airport road. We had a wonderful green picnic table right in our kitchen that allowed for all ten of us to gather around at meal time. This table also served as Holly's stage. At this time, I was serving as ward choir director and had been practicing the hymn "Secret Prayer". All week long as I would do my housework, I would sing this hymn over and over. "May my heart be turned to pray. Pray in secret day by day, that this boon to mortals given may unite my soul with heaven."
One day I turned around to see four year old Holly standing on top of our green table, singing in full voice: "May my heart be turned to pray. Pray in secret day by day." At this point she proudly lifted a big serving spoon high in the air and continued: "That this spoon to mortals given, may unite my soul with heaven." Every time I sing that hymn, I get a smile on my face and see Holly standing on our table sweetly singing while raising a spoon.
Music has been a huge part of all eight children, but Holly is the child who loves and lives to sing. She is a little tentative when others make a point of listening, but when she is in the shower at 10:00 at night.....she lets loose and I am sure Brother Bunnell (our neighbor) can hear every word. Yep, she often wakes us up, but what a joy! I love hearing her amazing voice even if it is the middle of the night. Holly will be the roommate who dances and sings and gets her whole apartment to join in. She will be the mom who rocks her babies to sleep while singing Michael Buble songs. She will be the choir director that "feels" the hymns. Her voice has and will bring a lot of joy to others.
I never thought I would ever post this next experience in my blog because of what it says about me, but it tells so much of who Holly is. And for that reason, I share it. A couple of months ago I received an email from BYU telling me that I had been dis-enrolled in my online classes due to failure to meet a time requirement. I quickly called to get an explanation and was devastated when they confirmed the news. I was literally sick to my stomach upon realizing that I had made a terrible mistake resulting in months of hard work and money washed down the drain. (75% of my classes had been completed with a 95% grade average.) And as if that wasn't bad enough, I was humiliated and embarrassed to think I had misunderstood and now had "E's" on my transcript. Devastation is a pretty profound emotion......and yes, I was devastated. I cried all morning long.
While I was in my room, Holly came home from school unaware of what had happened that morning. Upon seeing her, the tears flooded my eyes. Poor Holly! I could tell by her troubled face that she assumed far worse. With great concern and trepidation she asked me what had happened and I repeated back to her my horrible situation. I half expected her to give a sigh of relief that it wasn't something tragic, or give a "that's ok mom" type response, but she didn't. She stood up and walked towards me with her arms outstretched and said: "Ahhh mom, you need a hug". She tenderly wrapped me in her arms and held me as I cried She was so comforting. I don't think Holly fully understood the degree of my sadness, but she didn't have too. I just needed someone to love me and still think I was okay. She was my someone. She has open arms because she has an open heart. I am so grateful for her heart and arms and her ability to feel, care and love.
Holly is a beautiful girl, with an infectious laugh. And she is not stingy with those laughs........quite the opposite. It is FUN to be around Holly because she loves to find the humor in everything and freely laughs at anything that tickles her funny bone. There is something to be said about someone who freely laughs. It is such an endearing trait. I find myself laughing more when Holly is around.
Oh Holly....I tear up thinking that we only have you in our home for less than two years. But they are happy tears too, because I know you will blossom beyond what I can imagine and do amazing things. Happy Birthday sweet daughter. I Love You, Mommy
*Just to let you know.... I have since signed up to retake one of the classes that I was dis-enrolled in and am saving to retake the other one. I hope to have those hideous "E"s removed from my transcript soon and be on my way toward graduation!